
  • SeizerStyle Designs Partnerships & Affiliations

    SeizerStyle Designs Partnerships & Affiliations

    As I mentioned in the SeizerStyle Designs July 2014 Newsletter, I am looking for business partners to help improve the efficiency of the website design, graphic design and marketing ventures of SeizerStyle Designs.

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  • Fixing metrics skewed by bots in Google Analytics

    Fixing metrics skewed by bots in Google Analytics

    While checking my website statistics in Google Analytics I noticed something very strange. The bounce rate (percentage of visitors that leave the website after visiting only one page) had increased significantly for a number of websites I manage.

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  • Balancing business and education

    Balancing business and education

    One of the challenges of operating a business is figuring out how to perform the daily operations of the business as well as stay updated with the news and trends of the industry.

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  • Push beyond your comfort zone

    Push beyond your comfort zone

    It is human nature to come up with more efficient ways to perform tasks that we do regularly more efficiently and quickly. This innovative spirit has led to the invention of some seemingly simple but useful tools which have stood the test of time such as the wheel.

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  • Make undesireble tasks more bearable

    Make undesireble tasks more bearable

    Do you have a certain task/chore that you just do not like to do? Washing dishes? Taking out the trash? Writing reports? Doing research? We all have certain tasks that make us cringe before we even start to do them. Since these tasks are not always avoidable we need to find a way to do…

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  • Updating multiple social networks at once

    Updating multiple social networks at once

    Social media websites are a marketer’s dream because it offers many opportunities for interacting with a target audience. They are also a marketer’s nightmare because each network is different and content usually has to be cross posted to multiple websites.

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  • Switching domain registrars

    Switching domain registrars

    Registering a domain is one of the first steps necessary to get your website online. A domain is the unique address that can be used to access your website over the internet.

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  • Google Chrome 64-bit

    Google Chrome 64-bit

    Last month Google released the 64-bit version of Chrome which would take advantage of speed optimizations and improve stability on 64-bit computers. Despite the emergence of 64-bit computing for some years now, most popular versions of browsers are still generally 32-bit applications.

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  • Inspirational Art: Marcello Barenghi Drawings

    Inspirational Art: Marcello Barenghi Drawings

    Inspiration can come from many sources and we can all learn from the talents and experiences of others. As a graphic designer I am interested in many different forms of creating art. Photography, illustration, image editing and videography all help in artistic expression.

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  • Avoiding Monday blues

    Avoiding Monday blues

    Not everyone has a dream job and many people find that Monday is the most depressing workday of the week. It signifies the end of the weekend and a return to a work environment which may or may not be comfortable.

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