Use slow times at work to prepare for busier ones

Slow Sign

Slow times at work may cause boredom, frustration and make you feel that you are not accomplishing anything. While you use this time to rejuvenate from busier periods  you can also use it to prepare for an upcoming  more hectic schedule. Start with these 5 tips to keep you motivated during slow times , and use the opportunity to take a preemptive strike at the stress and frustration of future busier times. Here are some things that can be done during slow times to ensure that busier times are more bearable.

Restock supplies

You can restock office supplies during slow periods so you do not have to worry about it later. You can also restock emotionally by using the less stressful time to build up the patience, perseverance and courtesy that can be drained during chaotic periods of work.

Review performance

A slow period is a a great time to reflect on the successes and failures of the busy period that preceded it. What went well? What needed improvement? What was a total disaster? While this exercise may seem like a useless trip down memory lane it puts things in perspective and allows you to honestly analyze where you are in comparison to where you want to be.

Tie up loose ends

Going into tomorrow with yesterday’s problems unresolved only postpones an undesirable situation. It is easy to procrastinate and put things off in times of low activity. If there are things to be done during slow periods ensure that they are done or else they might pile up and make an already busy period of work even busier.

Plan ahead

Creating a strategy for dealing with future problems can go a long way in alleviating their impact in the future. Contingency plans allow you to prepare for the things which you hope will not happen but which could have negative effects if they occur. Planning ahead can also help you to better allocate scarce resources by considering future needs.

Improve the system

Many of our frustrations at work may not be with the job itself but actually with the system that we use (or are forced to use). Jobs are constantly changing and there are times that the system in use lags behind the needs of either the employees or customers. If you notice inadequacies in the work system you use the slower work periods are the ideal time to work on improving them. This could be a simple suggestion to those in authority or actualy presenting an improved system yourself.

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