Many entrepreneurship stories originate from a need that is not satisfied or not adequately satisfied. When trying to find the product that you need you may find out that it doesn’t exist and decide to create it yourself. Alternatively, the product may already exist but may not function as you would like it to do. To create what you need requires resources which could include knowledge, finance or creativity. If you have the time and the resources this is a great opportunity to create what you need yourself and possibly satisfy the needs of a specific target audience.
Since my field of experience is in website development I enjoy creating websites that can solve client needs. Sometimes a feature that is required needs to be developed because there is no plugin or add-on that can accurately perform the desired function. Some applications also have to be custom built to cater for very specific client needs. The same kind of situation can occur in many other fields where creativity must be used to satisfy the demands of the job.
Every entrepreneurship story is not a success story though. Many ideas, products and businesses fail and this is the major risk of entrepreneurship. If you have the confidence and perseverance to invest in creating the solution to a problem it can be a satisfying and rewarding experience. Facebook and Google are just two examples of eventual success that required multiple iterations of ideas before finally flourishing. Do not be afraid to explore your entrepreneurial spirit and develop the products and services that society needs or does not yet know it needs.
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